Unity-Solana Wallet Updated With NFT Support

ALL.ART Protocol
2 min readNov 24, 2021


ALL.ART Protocol releases an update of its open-source project, the Unity-Solana Wallet.

During the Solana Breakpoint 2021 conference in Lisbon, Portugal, ALL.ART held a live demo and presented the new Unity-Solana Wallet version with integrated NFTs. We introduced the Unity-Solana Wallet in our previous article about this project and we have since upgraded it to include NFT support. There is now a demo game available as well.

Additions to the wallet are deserialization of Metaplex NFT metadata with local cached storage for NFTs, using NFTs for in-game actions and unlockable content, as well as transfers of tokens which now also include NFTs. Buying NFTs with in-game currencies is next on the list.

For testing, you can use our test wallet (seed phrase) which is hardcoded into the app, or you can add your own test wallet.

This version of the Unity-Solana Wallet comes with a demo game that includes:

  • Wallet integration that displays NFTs
  • Login with an NFT to showcase unlocking additional levels (like DLC)
  • Ability to buy in-game tokens with SOL
  • Ability to claim rewards by playing

Check out the Unity-Solana Wallet on GitHub and the demo game…and start developing!

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ALL.ART Protocol

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